Cubs take place on a Friday from 6.30pm - 8pm and young people between 8 & 10½ years old are welcome to attend. If you are interested in joining please pop your details into the form below and one of the leaders will get in touch. If you have any questions please get in touch.


A very warm welcome to new members and welcome back to those already with us.


Indoor meetings will be in St John's Colinton Mains Church, a Google Maps link can be found on the website home page

Cub meetings will start at 18:30 and will end at 20:00. Parent help will be required for most meetings, please sign up on OSM if you would like to help.


Outdoor meetings will be set up as OSM events, please only sign up if you can commit to attend as numbers may be limited. Parent help will be required for all outdoor meetings, this will be specified in the individual event invite.

We are really looking forward to welcoming you back.

Our Programme:

Also available on OSM


Cubs wear a dark green sweatshirt with a Group scarf (often called a Necker) and a woggle in the colour of their Six. 

Necker’s are provided by the Beaver or Cub Scout Leader.

Beaver Uniforms can be worn until Cub Uniforms are purchased.

Uniform and other clothing items can be purchased here.

Badge location:

See the the following guide of badge location

Parent Help:

The 98th Pentland Cubs section is run by Colin and two young leaders Ethan and Ailsa.

We rely help from parents to run safe and fun meetings which will be requested on the invites for activities.

Happy to see more and more parents on a regular basis - if you would like to get more involved with the section and Scouting in general, please let me know either in person or by email.

Online Scout Manager (OSM)

98th Pentland Cubs use OSM to communicate with parents sharing information about activities, storing cub details, managing payments and more. 

When you child joins 98th Pentland Cubs you will be sent a link to set up a login to the OSM Parent Portal.


£30 per term to be paid using the payment portal on OSM.

You do not need to set up a Direct Debit, use the Pay Now feature on OSM and follow the prompts via GoCardless - even though it says "set up Direct Debit" it is not a recurring payment - when you next click pay now, it will ask you if you want to re-use the direct debit. (Please get in touch if you have difficulties)

Each term you will be sent a link to request payment. Please pay this at your earliest convince and no later than the deadline date.

Occasionally if will be necessary to ask for additional payments for paid-for activities, however, we will try to subsidise these where possible.


Please complete child and parent details on OSM if you have not already done so - including contact details and email, emergency details including phone, dietary and medical details.

New cubs should also complete a paper form which can be collected at meetings

Please find some information about Cubs here: 

We often rely help from parents to run safe and fun meetings especially outside activities which will be requested on the invites.

We are always interested to hear from potential new leaders and helpers at 98th Pentland Cubs if you are able to assist with meetings either regularly or occasionally - please speak to Colinor contact us here. 


Cubs will be invested after they have attended 4 or 5 meetings when they will say the Cub Scout Promise and receive their neckers, woggles and section badges.

The Cubs Scout Promise should be learnt by new cubs, however they will  repeat after a leader during the investiture. Cubs should also recognise the Cub Scout Law.
Cub Scout Promise and Law Explained