


Our Scout section is based from St John's Colinton Mains Church, a Google Maps link can be found on the website home page

The meetings will start at 20:00 unless otherwise specified on OSM.  


Some of our meetings will be set up as OSM events, these give the leader team an indication of the total number attending, please sign up for events.

Our Programme:

Also available on OSM

Scout Promise

On my honour, I promise that I will do my best to do my duty to God and to the Queen to help other people and to keep the Scout Law. 

Scout Laws

Badge location:

See the the following guide of badge location:

Uniform consists of:

You will be given a woggle and badges when you are invested. All other uniform can be purchased from the Scout Shop online or in person from the Scout & Guide Shop, neckies are available from scout troop at £4.50.


£30 per term - Sept, Jan, April.

Payment details can be found on the OSM noticeboard.